MPs have said "Firms are failing to tackle Sexual Harassment"

Sexual harassment is widespread in British workplaces
A BBC survey has found that 53% of women and 20% of men have experienced sexual harassment at work. More than a quarter of woman have suffered harassment in the form of inappropriate jokes or "banter" and nearly one in seven have suffered inappropriate touching. It found that of the women who had been harassed, 63% said they didn't report it to anyone, and 79% of the male victims kept it to themselves..

The Parliamentary Women and Equalities Committee has published a five-point plan to deal with the problem.
The Committee's report calls for: 1. A duty on employers to prevent harassment. 2. A more active role for regulators.
3. Easier recourse to tribunals. 4. Clarification of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). 5. Better data on sexual harassment.

Chair of the committee, Maria Miller MP, said: enforcement through tribunals is inadequate. She said: "The burden falls unacceptably on the individual to hold sexual harassers and employers to account when they will already hesitate to do so due to fear of victimisation." She also said "It's good to see the Parliamentary Women and Equalities Committee recommend long-overdue reforms to the tribunal system so that it works for victims of sexual harassment."

Ms Miller said "There is considerable focus on other corporate governance issues like protecting people's personal data and preventing money laundering."

"It's time to put the same emphasis on tackling sexual harassment."

Any behaviour that causes people to feel intimidated or humiliated in the workplace is unacceptable, and failure to comply with the law must not be tolerated

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It's time to tackle sexual harassment
